49th annual Landscape Ontario Awards of Excellence winners
Celebrating excellence in Ontario
Each year, Landscape Ontario members submit projects, designs and displays in an annual competition called the Landscape Ontario Awards of Excellence — the Oscars of the green profession. The annual competition features more than 40 categories of entries judged by a panel of respected horticulture industry experts. Only those entries deemed truly excellent are honoured with awards. If a category's entries do not meet the judges' criteria for excellence, no award is given for that category.
Winners for the 2022 program were announced during a live-streamed, virtual awards ceremony held on February 3, 2022.
Watch a replay of awards ceremony online or check out the Landscape Ontario YouTube page for past ceremony highlights.
The Awards of Excellence ceremony is made possible through the generosity of our Presenting Partner: G&L Group, and Supporting Partners: Connon Nurseries, in-lite Outdoor Lighting, SiteOne Landscape Supply, Aspire Software and Toro.
Top scoring winners will be entered into the National Awards of Excellence Program. See CanadaNursery.com for more information.