August 1, 2016

The crowd and teams applaud wrap-up of the 2016 Skills Canada landscape competition.
CNLA News August 2016
Quebec takes home national skills gold
Moncton, N.B., hosted the Skills Canada event in June, which was a huge success for the landscape industry in terms of publicity and industry image. The seven participating teams built a backyard within 16 allotted hours, and the public loved watching every minute.
Marilou Morin and Brandon Di Sabato took home the coveted gold medal in the Landscape Gardening category for Team Quebec. Alberta’s Paul Kerpel and William Lloyd came in second, with B.C.’s Clair MacLean and Dan Strain coming in third.
This great industry publicity would not have been possible without the amazing Joe Bidermann of Joe Bidermann’s Landscape Design, Fall River, N.S., and Jim Landry of Landscape N.B. and P.E.I. Joe Bidermann and his staff helped move equipment and materials all day for the competitors. The Bidermann group also stayed after the competition to help tear down the event, despite a two-and-a-half-hour drive back to Halifax. Without this group taking time off of their “regular work,” the event would not have been able to happen, or at the very least, turned out to be such a massive success.
CNLA would like to extend a big thank you to Jim Landry, Joe Bidermann, Kyle MacDonald, Ed Benson, Grey McGuire and Spencer Callaghan for their support! Check out our YouTube channel for a video:
Next year, Landscape Manitoba will experience the excitement, as SCNC 2017 will take place in Winnipeg from May 31 to June 3!
Certification card update
CNLA has now successfully launched and sent out the new Certification ID cards. Please contact with any updates or certification needs, as there were some bounce-backs. If you are certified in good standing with a CLT, CLM, CLD or CHT, and did not receive your wallet card, CNLA may not have your proper address on file.EI service quality review
The Employment Insurance Service Quality Review has been launched by the Government of Canada. It is a nationwide consultation process with key stakeholders and the public to seek input on ways to improve services to Employment Insurance (EI) claimants.Feedback will be used to develop recommendations for ministers to consider in shaping future service delivery improvements that will best meet the expectations of Canadians. The review is focused on streamlining applications, reducing wait times and reducing administrative burden for employers.
If you would like to see CNLA’s submission, or to discuss this, please contact Participation is encouraged by sending your comments in email to More information is available at
Save through vehicle discount programs
General Motors Canada and FCA Canada member savings programs continue to be among the most popular offered through the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association. Discounts on new trucks can be as high as $13,500 for GMC or $14,500 for Dodge Ram. Members simply inform sales representatives they qualify for competitive assistance or fleet assistance. CNLA must send the sales rep a member confirmation letter, containing specific vehicle information for that purchase. There is an administration fee for the letter. Proceeds are shared with the member’s provincial association.Due to confidentiality agreements, the discount lists are not published. Contact our Member Services team for the latest amounts when it comes time to buy your next vehicle.
IGCA coming to Canada in 2017
The Canadian Nursery Landscape Association is pleased to be hosting the 59th annual International Garden Centre Association (IGCA) Congress in the Toronto-Niagara region, Sept. 17-22, 2017. This annual event attracts up to 250 delegates from around the world. As a 2017 event, it is important to us to embrace Canada’s 150th birthday and showcase Canadian culture and hospitality, along with innovative garden centres in the area. If your company markets products to Ontario garden centres (and across Canada), or if you sell products to other countries, this is the perfect opportunity for you!Visit for sponsorship opportunities.
Plant options for ‘green’ gardeners
Let’s face it, not everyone has a green thumb. Daily life can get hectic, and a busy schedule coupled with a lack of plant knowledge can often mean dry and withered plants for some of your customers. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t plant options out there for gardeners on the greener end of the spectrum — pun intended. We all know that plants are a great option to brighten up both indoor and outdoor spaces, and by having the following options available at your garden centre, even hands-off gardeners can be proud of their green spaces.