February 23, 2025
Coffee Morning Meeting 2025
Join us on April 3 for a collaborative event hosted by Landscape Ontario's Designers Sector Group and the Georgian Lakelands Chapter. We are excited to present another instalment of Designers Coffee Morning. This event will feature an excellent lineup of speakers and offers a fantastic opportunity for networking and learning.

Make sure to secure your spot today, as space is limited. Refreshments will be provided.


8:30 a.m. | Welcome and Refreshments
9:00 a.m. | Kelita Read, Permacon
10:00 a.m. | Penny Campbell, Connon Nurseries
11:00 a.m. | Jon Durzi, Miller Compost

Registration is now open. 



Permacon Logo  

Kelita Read | Permacon
What’s Trending?

Stone paver and wall styles and colours evolve each year. Discover the top trends for the upcoming design season and position yourself as a knowledgeable resource for your clients.

Connon Nurseries 

Penny Campbell | Connon Nurseries

Plants that Thrive in Zone 4
Embrace the beauty of Zone 4, where resilient plants flourish in the breathtaking landscapes of Simcoe County and the Muskokas. Understanding which plants thrive in these challenging conditions will save time and money for your clients!

Miller Compost 

Jon Durzi | Miller Compost

Soil Amendments and Mulch
Plants flourish in their ideal growing environments. Choosing the right soil for your newly designed gardens is crucial in nurturing their growth. Remember, not all mulches are equal—selecting the best one for your design will enhance the beauty and vitality of your plants.