Help showcase our contribution ethic to the world
By Tony DiGiovanni CHT
LO Executive Director
Since it’s November, I thought it would be fitting for this month’s article to write about the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute (HOHLT).
In case you haven’t heard about this wonderful program, HOHLT is planting 117,000 trees along the Highway of Heroes (Hwy. 401 from Trenton, Ont., to Keele St. in Toronto) for each of Canada’s war dead since Confederation. This living, breathing memorial will last for generations. Landscape Ontario is involved in raising money and in-kind services to help plant the trees.
We also plan to plant an additional two million trees on either side of the highway to honour the two million men and women who have served our country through military service. Please see HOHtribute.ca for more information.
We need $10 million to realize these goals. However, a wise man I know is fond of saying, “money comes in different ways.” It’s true. The ultimate sacrifice made by the 117,000 men and women was based on duty, contribution and a passion for the values of our country.
I believe it is far better and more meaningful for our profession to contribute our expertise, equipment, labour and trees to better represent our contribution ethic.
I have long observed that members of Landscape Ontario are incredible community builders. Many of our chapters and individual members give back to their communities in significant ways. Their selfless efforts are valued at millions of dollars. I also believe the best way to raise awareness about our wonderful profession is to use those talents in efforts that leave a green legacy. Many of our members have already contributed labour, equipment and trees to plant 12,000 trees along the Highway of Heroes. We have many more to go. Ask yourself how you can help us to build this green legacy.
If you can spare some time, expertise, advice, connections, equipment, trees, mulch, compost, soil or labour please contact me. We need everyone in our profession to get behind this amazing project. We have an opportunity to change the landscape for this generation and future generations. We have a unique chance to transmit our values and our appreciation to those we will never meet. As always, your help will also beautify the landscape and help to clean the air where it is needed most.