Mar 8, 2022
Free HEPA filters for agri-food employers
5,500 HEPA air filter units available to employers with international agri-food workers (IAWs) living in congregate settings.

Mar 8, 2021
Helping homeowners help bees
Multi-year research trial looks at the best plants to attract pollinators.
Jun 25, 2020
Partnership provides funded consulting and training to agricultural producers
Tools and consulting services available to help agriculture producers meet Covid-19 health and safety requirements.
Jan 15, 2018
Growers gather to learn about challenges ahead
Impact of minimum wage hike among the many important issues discussed at annual dinner meeting.

Jan 15, 2017
Nursery growers demonstrate ways to conserve nutrient inputs
Fertilizer placement study helps to reduce usage and conserve nutrients.
Sep 15, 2015
Group working on plan to sustain Kemptville
Ontario has established a working group to explore the feasibility to deliver learning, training and instruction at the Kemptville campus in Eastern Ontario.

Jun 15, 2013
Committee continues work to help turf
National priorities presented at a meeting hosted by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency.
May 15, 2013
Airblast sprayer start-up tips
Plan for half-a-day per sprayer for your start-up routine.