October 12, 2022
Thank you for enhancing my life

When I started in 1989, I was not sure what Landscape Ontario was. I had a vague idea the job was to advance the profession. Although true in one sense, this definition was not complete.
The job description I like best was articulated by LO member Perry Molema before he passed away. Perry once said: “We are in the business of enhancing lives.” What a wonderful and simple way to look at our collective purpose as an organization and as individuals. Thank you, Perry.
Another concept that describes my experience is “family.” The LO community is a family that cares for each other. It is energized by individuals working collaboratively for mutual improvement and benefit. It is driven by a common purpose to grow a prosperous, professional, ethical, valued and contribution-oriented community focused on enhancing lives. Its aim is to leave the world better. Who would not want to be part of this family?
In my time at LO I have learned so much from so many. In the near future I look forward to telling the stories of some of the individuals who inspired me so that their stories can do the same for you. As an observer and listener, I was able to recognize common threads and patterns. Our LO community is made up of many individuals who voluntarily take on responsibility and choose to act. They have a strong contribution ethic. They want to “give back” to the profession that has fed their families. They are not afraid to dream of a better future and work hard to realize this vision. They reach beyond themselves to leave a legacy that inspires others to do the same. These are some of the characteristics of the individuals I have had the privilege of working with for so many years.
In August, a retirement celebration was organized by my work family. I was deeply touched and humbled by the outpouring of goodwill at the event and in the many emails and phone calls I received from so many friends. Your support, encouragement and well wishes have enriched my life beyond what words can describe. I will never forget.
It gives me a great deal of pride and satisfaction to witness the next generation of staff team members led by the new Executive Director, Joe Salemi. Joe did not apply for the job. His talents were recognized by the Executive Committee and by our staff team. I am so thankful the provincial board allowed me to tap Joe on the shoulder — just as Neil Vanderkruk tapped me on the shoulder in 1989. The future of LO is bright. Landscape Ontario is in great hands. The staff family has never been more unified. I am in awe of their talents, dedication and service ethic. The team is dedicated to helping you realize your vision.
I am also thankful for the many leaders serving on the provincial board, chapters, sector groups and committees. Our association is filled with people who understand that meaning comes from serving others. It is not just about us. All of us are inspired by the thread of care and contribution that connects one generation to the next.
Thank you for enhancing my life.