March 5, 2020

United States amends entry requirements for imports of boxwood, euonymus and holly from Canada
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) informed the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) on March 4, 2020 that United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) has issued a federal order for exports of Buxus, Euonymus, and Ilex, from Canada to the U.S. This relates to box tree moth.
The official order is on the USDA-APHIS website (or via the shortlink and is effective immediately. The order regulates all of Canada.
Shipments imported from Canada must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with an additional declaration (AD) certifying that the plants in the shipment fulfil the following requirements prior to importation into the United States and territories:
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Aalbers, CNLA Growers Manager at 647-724-8630 or
The official order is on the USDA-APHIS website (or via the shortlink and is effective immediately. The order regulates all of Canada.
Shipments imported from Canada must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with an additional declaration (AD) certifying that the plants in the shipment fulfil the following requirements prior to importation into the United States and territories:
- The plants have been produced in a facility or area officially recognized by CFIA as free of box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis); OR
- The shipment has been officially inspected and found to be free of box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis).
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Aalbers, CNLA Growers Manager at 647-724-8630 or